Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

DarLing (saDAR LINGkungan)

Suasana kelas riuh karena senang. Kuliah farling atau farmasi lingkungan ditiadakan hari itu. Kuliah ini cenderung membosankan menurut sebagian mahasiswa. Belajar tentang materi, energi di lingkungan, siklus-siklus alam, sampah, peraturan perundangan, limbah industri, amdal, penghancuran obat, dll. Padahal, kepentingannya menurut saya nomer wahid, FIRST class. Tak hanya kemampuan sintesa obat yang perlu dimiliki seorang farmasis, tapi juga bertanggung jawab atas segala pekerjaan dan hasil dari pekerjaannya, termasuk LIMBAH sebagai hasil samping.

Petugas kebersihan : because people like you came up with this complex stuff, inventing stuff, which makes our living more convenient, right?
Profesor : one of the goals of science is to improve a human being's standard of life.
Petugas kebersihan : so, this(garbage) is the price for our standard of life?
Profesor : (terdiam)
Petugas kebersihan : no matter how convenient our lives become, it's hopeless when human beings are stupid. It's pointless complaining to a scientist though!
....(di TPS)...
Petugas kebersihan : aren't you surprised? This much garbage is being dumped all the time.
Profesor :  this is terrible...
Petugas kebersihan "only thingking about ways of making our lives easier, inventing wonderful tools and machines is not enough."... But scientist should be concerned about the consequences of inventing new things, maybe the world will be worse off... They have to think about that (garbage)too. That's what a truly smart person would do, right?
--galileo ep.9--

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